[So Moved.]

  • Somehow I’ve managed to perform for nearly 2.5 decades in 10 countries and 49 states. Enjoy how much I love being the center of attention.

  • I make art too. Wanna see?

  • Sometimes I design stuff. It’s fly. check it.

  • I make dance/theatre. Wanna see some weird shit? Come down the well, then dear.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • You trynna skip the foreplay and holla? Cool. Slide on in.

‘Sup. Nice Shirt.

Kyle Vincent Terry here. I’m a creative citizen of the world. I create things and live life. Come on in: the water’s fine.

I’ve had the pleasure of working in the Arts and playing a pretty influential role across myriad media, styles and cultures and communities. Please take your shoes off and welcome.